Behaviours That Can Ruin Relationship

A relationship is about two people and no individuals can be the same. Nobody is perfect. Every couple has a few bad habits in the relationship. But when something done is excess can be truly harmful to the relationship. Here are few relationship damaging behaviours that can bring an end to your “Fairytale”.

bad relationship behavior1.    Everything Is Fine:

Pretending everything is fine can be one of the reasons for relationships to fail. By pretending that nothing is wrong and everything is fine when you are upset can cause anger and tension to build in oneself. When issues are left unsolved, it is likely to keep coming up again and again.

2.    Jealousy:

A little jealousy in a relationship is always healthy. But what if it goes a little overboard? An over jealous partner is one of the most common reasons for a relationship to break. It not only pushes the other person away but can also start violence and abuse in the relationship. Delusional jealousy is an dangerous form of jealousy and isn’t as common as “normal jealousy”

3.    Lack Of Communication:

Communication is the most important thing in a relationship. It is important for couples to share their feelings, problems, opinions, joys etc with each other. Sharing frustrations, sadness also helps in strengthening the bond. Sometimes, hiding one’s feelings and opinions can cause tension between the couple.

4.    Too Tired For Sex:

It’s ok to be tired to have sex at the end of a hard day. But it is important to find time for sex. You can have sex when you have tons of energy or when there is a strong sexual desire. It gives your relationship a whole new boost.

5.    Insecurity And Lack Of Self- Confidence:

When a partner starts feeling undeserving of the love, it is a sign for the relationship’s failure. This insecurity can lead to possessiveness and high dependence on the other person. This isn’t healthy for the relationship.

6.    Its Tv Time:

You and your partner have some alone time and instead of spending it with each other, you’ll get hooked to the television. This can cause serious problems in your relationship. Instead of watching Desperate Housewives or your favourite football match, do something exciting. Playing scrabble or cuddling are best ways to get re-connected with each other.

7.    Broken Trust:

One of the main reasons for a relationship to fail is broken trust. If trust is repeatedly broken, it becomes difficult to trust the person on the smallest things. This reduces the motivation to stay in the relationship or even work to make it better.

8.    Not Another Family Vacation:

Vacation with the kids or in-laws maybe fun but it is necessary to go on an intimate vacation. It maybe just once a year but it gives you time to relax and de-stress. It helps in reconnecting with your partner, emotionally and physically.

9.    Too Much Of Couple Time:

New couples cut off from the world because they are in love and want to be together all the time. After the initial period of cocooning, couples tend to get bored of each other. This can cause a relationship to end. It is healthy to interact with other people even though you are in a relationship.

10.   It’s All About Control:

When a person starts trying to control the other person in a relationship, it often leads to the relationship becoming weak or harsh. Controlling behaviours include keeping a check on your partner at all times, name- calling, threatening, not allowing any changes in a fixed schedule. It is also termed as obsessive love. It can be unhealthy and can even turn violent and abusive.