Diet Pills: Do They Really Work?

Keeping these things in mind various pharmaceutical corporations are in race to offer best quality pills or supplements. Actually, there are two types of diet pills – conventional (Orlistat) and herbal supplements. Supplements contain herbs and natural ingredients that are popularized by claiming that they can increase your vitality, burn your fat, control your appetite and many more. But the doubt raises that does diet pill really works in shedding weight.

Diet Pills Do They Really WorkWhat does diet pill contains?

Typically, herbal diet pills contain potent laxatives, powerful stimulants and appetite suppressants. Laxatives claim that they flush fat and cleanse the body; at the same time, they come with warnings that drink plenty of water and avoid other treatments. Natural laxatives like rhubarb powder, fennel powder, psyllium, and senna are used in herbal pills. Stimulants are labeled as calorie and fat burner by increasing the body’s metabolism. Caffeine is the mostly used in these pills. Appetite suppressants kill hunger episodes and you may feel full all the time.

Do they really work in burning fat?

According the health experts, it’s a big NO. A renowned physician said that the people of entire world would have been slim, if weight loss comes in a strip or bottle. Medical experts across the world are not sure on how diet pills work in weight loss program, as supplements fail to show the exact mechanism in shedding extra pounds. Also, no herbal pills have been found effective and safe in long run. Though they are natural, but they do not mean they are safe.

At the same time, physicians claim that long term use of laxative, stimulants and appetite suppressors are not healthy, and one should not approach them to lose weight on long-term basis. Rather few cases were reported in past that these pills increase the risk of developing liver toxicity. In fact, these ingredients modify the natural mechanism and physiology of a human body that can prove harmful if taken for a longer period of time. Few medical experts are actually against herbal diet pills; calling them as medically worthless.

How to reduce weight effectively and safely?

There are various natural and healthy ways of controlling body weight and body mass index (BMI). Eating well-balanced diet and exercise are the key elements while following weight-loss program. Include fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, whole-grain cereals, fish and legumes in your daily diet to achieve essential macronutrients (carbs, proteins, and unsaturated fats) and micronutrients (vitamins and minerals).

Physical activity plays a major role in shedding extra pounds. Yes! It could be a difficult task for you, but it’s the sure shot treatment for obesity. Exercises like walking, running, swimming, cycling, weight-bearing, and stretching are helpful in burning fat and calories. Yoga and meditation also proved useful in curbing extra weight. These healthy ways are quite safe and effective; though, they may take some time.

It is advisable to consult well-qualified nutritionist and gym trainer to implement weight-loss program; probably they are the best person to guide you through. If you are obese due to some underlying medical condition, it is highly recommended to seek a medical help before starting up with any kind of weight losing plan.