Prostate Cancer Surgery And Its Complications

Prostate cancer is the cancer in the prostate gland of men. It is a type of cancer which spreads. It can rapidly spread to its nearby organs or travel through lymphatic system or to other organs of the body.

Prostarte SurgeryWeakness, fatigue and weight loss are some of the common effects of prostate cancer. Men suffering from prostate cancer can depend upon surgical resection also known as radical prostatectomy to bail them out of this problem. According to researchers, this surgery can lead to long term cancer control. Radical prostatectomy involves the removal of the whole prostate gland surgically. Along with the prostate gland, the surrounding tissues and seminal vesicles are also removed. The surgeon performing the surgery may also remove pelvic lymph nodes if needed.  The treatment is recommended to be taken in the early stages of the cancer.

However this surgery may lead to complications like bleeding, blood clots, infection, heart problems, and etc. to name a few. It can also result in some serious complications like erectile dysfunction and urinary incontinence.

Erectile Dysfunction:  Prostate cancer surgery can lead to erectile dysfunction. It is generally caused by the nerves that were removed or damaged during the course of surgery. After surgery, virtually all the men suffer from erectile dysfunction. This erectile dysfunction caused after surgery can take up to two to three year to cure. It takes such a long time to recover because in the course of the surgery, seminal glands are also removed along with the prostate gland.  The surgery can also lead to dry ejaculation. Dry ejaculation is a condition in which men are not able to produce semen during orgasm.

Urinary Incontinence: It is the most common complication after the surgery. During the course of the surgery, the urinary catheter is removed which results in lack of control of urinary function in the patients. The patients may leak urine for some days or months. But this condition is temporary. Usually within 7 to 8 months the urinary system starts to function normally. While a small percentage of patients may continue to regularly have small amount of leakages with heavy excretions when sexually active. If this incontinency lasts for more than one year, patients may have to turn to drugs or surgery.

Penis Length And Sterility: Prostate cancer surgery involves the cutting of the channel which joins urethra and the testicles.  Testicles are the place where sperms are produced. On the other hand, urethra is the place from where the sperms and urine leave the body. When the sperm is not allowed to leave the body by natural processes, a man can no longer have a child unless the sperm has been stored before the surgery. There could be a decrease in the length of the penis after the surgery.

General Risks Involved In The Surgery: Like the complications caused in other normal surgeries, prostate surgery may also lead to stroke, anesthesia and blood clot in the legs to name a few.