Should I Include Sugar In My Juice?

If you are keeping a tab on your calories intake or are apprehensive about your consumption of carbohydrates through sugar, then juice might perplex you. Though juice consists of minerals and vitamins, it is often loaded with sugar.
juices-and-drinksIrrespective of whether you drink juices occasionally or are a regular sipper of the pulp, you ought to keep in mind the effects that sugar can render on your health.However, juice forms to be one of the most body-friendly and healthy source of vitamins that you get from vegetables and fruits. So you cannot just rule out juice from your diet. However, having a proper knowledge regarding sugar in your juice will help you reap its benefits devoid of any health complications.

Calories And Sugar In Juice

Usually, juice is loaded with Vitamin C as well as other essential minerals and vitamins. Nevertheless, minerals and vitamins in juice might not be adequate to justify the sugar content. If you intake juices in moderate quantity to suffice your fruit servings, then ensure that it is pure juice. Keep away from juices that read “blend” and “cocktail”, as they hint of added sugars with other terms such as high sucrose, fructose, glucose or fructose corn syrup. Juice concentrate or juice ought to be the only terms that you ought to check out the ingredients list.

Now, would you consume a bar of Snickers for your breakfast each morning along with your daily dose of orange juice? Let me spill the beans, a single Snickers bar contains around 28 grams of sugar, whereas an orange juice glass consists of around 30+ grams of sugar and this is equivalent to around eight teaspoonful of sugar.

Did You Know? Some juices such as grape and apple juices contain more sugar than what is found in a 12 oz. soda!

Thus, having hot tea with some whole fruit or black coffee or glass of water will certainly save you some calories and sugar.

Sugar In Fruits

A single piece of fruit contains around 100 calories each serving. For instance, orange consists of around 85 calories, whereas an 8 oz. orange juice glass contains around 120 calories. So now you know that the whole fruit is far better than the juice itself.

Sugar And Our Body

Excess sugar in our body rushes the insulin levels, which further weakens our immune system. In addition, sugar can increase the triglyceride levels in your body. In simple words, sugar makes the body store fats, which in turn causes diabetes, obesity, heart diseases and cholesterol problems. Unfortunately, food companies are busy reaping the profits, whereas consumers are bearing the consequences. For instance, cereals, yogurt, canned fruit, frozen meals, spaghetti sauce, etc. are high in sugar content.

So, What’s The Inference?

It is advisable to steer away from all those processed stuffs including juice! You may instead munch on an apple to start your day. However, make sure to keep a tab on your daily calorie consumption, as it is quite easy to gulp in many calories by having sugary drinks. Lastly, stay far from anything, which is less than 100% real juice.