General Health

ear care
21 Ways To Care For Your Ear
February 25th, 2013

The ear is an important part of our body. As we pay attention to the other parts of the body, we need to also pay regular attention to our ears. Ear hygiene is also important as negligence may invite various ear problems which are not good for your health.

Bad Breath
Bad Breath – 8 Ways to Cure It
February 22nd, 2013

Although bad breath is not a disease, it certainly holds the power to affect your social life and leave you secluded from others. Be it grouping with friends, or attending an official meeting, bad breath can spoil your image everywhere. Find out the ways through which you can cure bad breath…

How To Treat Headache Without Medication
February 17th, 2013

Having a headache can be a real pain. This would not only affect your head but also would affect your mood. You wouldn’t feel like doing anything and would get irritated. There are some natural ways to deal with it though.

Altitude Sickness
Altitude Sickness: Things You Should Know
February 9th, 2013

Altitude sickness is also known as acute mountain sickness. It is caused due to low air pressure or high altitude. Some of the initial symptoms are mistaken as “flu, carbon monoxide poisoning or a hangover”. Monge’s disease, also known as chronic mountain sickness occurs after a prolonged exposure to high altitude. Find out the symptoms and treatment of altitude sickness here.

How Personal Hygiene Can Keep Diseases At A Distance?
February 8th, 2013

Everyone wants to have a disease-free life. We might pay attention to everything but we forget the fact that hygiene also plays an important role in keeping our body fit and healthy. Let’s pay attention to certain hygiene facts and see how they can help in keeping our body disease free.

breathing problems
Ways To Get Rid Of Breathing Problems
February 8th, 2013

Does being in a crowd make you feel uncomfortable and difficult to breath? Well if it does then you may be suffering from a severe breathing problem but you don’t need to worry anymore, through this article we will try to help you and bail you out of this crisis…

Business woman in distress at work
Ways To Eradicate Caffeine Headache
February 6th, 2013

Though there is a tremendous advancement in technology and science; researchers have not yet discovered the major cause of headaches. To understand the sickness, headaches are categorized into different types. Read on to know the ways through which you can get rid of caffeine headache…

endocrine system
Healthy Endocrine System Means Healthy You
January 30th, 2013

It is important that our body receives the right amount of hormone in your blood. Any imbalance in these hormones can cause trouble to the person. So, it is important we keep that system of our body in healthy position which generates hormones.

gum infections
Ways To Get Rid Of Gum Infection
January 25th, 2013

Dental pain can be really bad. If you are having a gum problem or infection, it could be the worst thing. The gum infection will not only trouble you but would also weaken your teeth. Here are some ways on how you can get away with this.

clove oil
Clove Oil: A Home Remedy To Health Problems
January 24th, 2013

In the past, the clove oil was used in Eastern countries for various purposes. There are many evidences where it was used for many other purposes. It is said that clove oil is the best ways to heal various internal or external problems. Let us know how.

Quit Nail Biting
How Can You Quit Nail Biting?
January 22nd, 2013

Nail biting is quite common. Everyone does it, sometime. But there are people who have the habit of doing it all the time. This way, they not only affect their nails, but also allow various gems to reach their stomach easily. So, let’s see on how one can quit it.

Prevent Severe Constipation In 5 Simple Ways
January 19th, 2013

Constipation is the most common problem for Americans. Most of the people suffer from it and it happens due to mere negligence. It is just a symptoms and not a disease. It is the result of not having a proper diet and almost everyone suffers from it.

Sleeping Problems
Want To Have A Proper Sleep? – Follow This
January 18th, 2013

Insomnia can be a trouble to your health. It not only affects your mental health but also, your physical health is at trouble. Due to insomnia, your personal, professional and social life will be at stake. It is better that it is treated and prevented in a better way before it can cause trouble to you.

health benifits of Apples
An Apple Keeps The Doctor Away. But How?
January 18th, 2013

We have all heard the phase, ‘An apple a day, keeps the doctor away.’ Also, it is suggested to everyone, despite their health and age. What does this fruit contains that it is recommended by everyone? Let us see, why and how this red fruit is important for our health.

Persistent Coughing
Easy Ways To Stop Persistent Coughing
January 17th, 2013

Coughing is caused so that the large breathing passage is cleared by foreign particles. With coughing, those particles are out and your breathing passage is clear. But, there are few who gets a persistent coughing. Let us see how we can stop them.